A sauce made with minced (US: ground) pork, onions and garlic with herbs and white wine strengthened with chopped liver and black olives, served with pasta and grated cheese.
"In the style of Genoa" This may mean that fish is present in a dish, sometimes meat and onion ragù served with potatoes and parsley or short pasta and Parmesan cheese but most often a dish involving pasta, pine nuts and basil.
"Style of the glutton." A complex sauce from Calabria and Sicily of the juices of meat or fish, often cooked on a spit, with wine or vinegar, tomatoes, ham, livers, perhaps sultanas, olives, capers and herbs, sometimes made more savoury with anchovy fillets. A tray is placed under the rotating meat to catch the juices and these ingredients are then mixed in. The tray is called a leccardu and the dish is also called by this name. It may have the appearance of a stew. A version in Abruzzo will include baked peppers and tomatoes.
"In the style of the garden." Dishes served with fresh vegetables, or may be any of several pickled vegetables in jars.
"Jewish style." The Jewish ghetto of Rome was the home of many dishes which came to be known as "alla giudea." The most famous is probably carciofi alla giudea.
"Jewish style." The Jewish ghetto of Rome was the home of many dishes which came to be known as "alla giudea." The most famous is probably carciofi alla giudea.
With garlic. Since garlic is used in most dishes, mention of "all'aglio" indicates that a good deal is used.