Chickweed. A plant which grows wild near streams and on wasteland and may be eaten raw in salads, cooked in the same way as spinach or used to make soup.
Hedgehog fungus. Cream-coloured mushrooms, excellent to eat, easily found in woods from late summer to late autumn (US: fall). They have a sort of downy white stem leading up to a cap which is centrally depressed and under which are masses of little spines, giving the mushroom its English name. It is quite a good mushroom to collect as it is easily distinguished from other mushrooms, is a relative of the chanterelle, and, like it, has good flavour and good retention of texture on long cooking.
Parasol mushroom. Good baked with butter and garlic, or fried.
Wood blewit. A bright lilac blue mushroom with fresh clean flavour and excellent with potatoes.
Slippery Jack mushroom, also known as the sticky bun. Listed as edible but some people do have allergic reactions to it.