St George's mushroom. A small white or cream mushroom that appears in parts of Europe around St George's Day on 23rd April.
The fairy ring mushroom with white flesh and a pleasing taste. These dry well and have good flavour but must be cooked first.
St George's mushroom. A small white or cream mushroom that appears in parts of Europe around St George's Day on 23rd April.
St George's mushroom. A small white or cream mushroom that appears in parts of Europe around St George's Day on 23rd April.
Big-scale atherine. A type of atherine similar to the sand smelt. A marine fish, usually deep-fried, it is a small, silvery fish similar to the argentine. When tiny it is treated in the same way as whitebait. This fish grows up to 12 cm.
Red mullet, surmullet. Sea woodcock. A high quality fish of a different family from the other (grey) mullets, and which has a far better flavour and lean, firm flesh. Its liver is highly prized. Do not confuse it with gurnard, which has a slightly paler colour. This fish may vary from pinkish-reddish crimson to rosy pink in colour with golden streaks and two long barbels on the chin.There is another smaller variety, Mullus barbatus, but this, Mullus surmuletus, is the most prized variety.
Forkbeard. A greyish or brownish fish with reddish fins from Spanish waters. It is usually fried, but this must be done quickly as it does not keep well.