

Terms in Catalan 31-40 of 1164

albergínies d'anfos

/ahl-behr-JEE-yez DAHN-fos/

Grouper with slices of aubergine (US: eggplant), onions and garlic.

albergínies farcides

/ahl-behr-JEE-yez fahr-SEE-dees/

"Stuffed aubergines." Aubergines (US: eggplants), often stuffed with minced (US: ground) beef or veal, cheese and onions or rice with chopped peppers and other vegetables, fish or a mixture of chopped chorizo and bread soaked in milk bound with egg.

alborònia (de la sierra)


A ratatouille of pumpkin, aubergines (US: eggplants), peppers and tomato.




al forn

/ahl FORM/


al forn

/ahl FORM/



[Catalan] plural algas





al gust

/ahl GOOST/

The way you like it. For instance, seeing seafood "al gusto" on a menu, you might be able to choose whether to have it fried with garlic or served in a tomato sauce, or you could choose whether to have eggs scrambled or fried, your fish poached or grilled and so on.

al gust

/ahl GOOst/

The way you like it. For instance, seeing seafood "al gusto" on a menu, you might be able to choose whether to have it fried with garlic or served in a tomato sauce, or you could choose whether to have eggs scrambled or fried, your fish poached or grilled and so on.