Search results 1-10 of 6483 for "tomato_juice"



Tomato juice



Tomato juice



Tomato juice

zumo de tomate

[Spanish] plural zumos de tomate

Tomato juice

sumo de tomate

/SOH-moo deu too-MAHT/

Tomato juice

Bloody Bull


A cocktail made with tomato juice, vodka, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce with beef bouillon.



Tomato juice

Akvavit Clam


A cocktail consisting of 90 ml (3 fl oz) Danish akvavit, 45 ml (1½ fl oz) clam juice, 45 ml (1½ fl oz) tomato juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, salt, black and cayenne pepper. Stir vigorously in a mixing glass, chill thoroughly. Serve with ice in an Old Fashioned glass.

Red Snapper

/red SNA-puh/

A name for a Bloody Mary. The cocktail consists of vodka, tomato juice, a little lemon and Worcestershire sauce, with added Tabasco, salt and pepper, sometimes celery salt, for those who like them. A Virgin Mary is all the above but without the vodka.

Virgin Mary

/VUR-jin MAY-ree/

A cocktail consisting of tomato juice, a little lemon and Worcestershire sauce, with added Tabasco, salt and pepper, sometimes celery salt, for those who like them. A Bloody Mary is all the above but with vodka. Australians call a Virgin Mary a bloody shame.