Elephant garlic or wild leek. A head of garlic having a large single clove and bearing more resemblance to a leek.
Pollack. A member of the cod family found in the eastern and north Atlantic and weighing around 1 kg (2 lb). It is dark green above and has a protruding lower jaw. They have rather grey, flaky flesh and are often salted and dried or pickled and are also commonly used for making imitation shellfish foods. Treat is as you would cod. I have heard that Somerville and Ross, in the Irish RM, describe pollock as tasting like cotton-wool with pins in it.
St George's mushroom. A small white or cream mushroom that appears in parts of Europe around St George's Day on 23rd April.
Slippery Jack mushroom, also known as the sticky bun. Listed as edible but some people do have allergic reactions to it.