

Terms in Portuguese 21-30 of 3077

abrótia (do alto)

[Portuguese] plural abrótias (do alto)

Forkbeard. A greyish or brownish fish with reddish fins from Spanish waters. It is usually fried, but this must be done quickly as it does not keep well.

à cabidela

/AH kuh-bee-DEH-luh/

A dish, generally made with chicken, and containing the blood of the animal concerned.



A porridge of coconut milk, cornmeal and rice flour, moulded, cooled and sliced like polenta. It is served with sauces and stews, Sometimes it is steamed in banana leaves. It is similar to pirão.

a caçadora

/ah kuh-suh-DOO-ruh/

A caçadora is portuguese for "In the style of the hunter" and refers to game simmered in white wine with carrots, onions, herbs, sometimes with tomatoes.





/uh-sa-FROWNG deen-DYUH-koo/

"Saffron of India." Turmeric



The juice and pulp of açaí fruits, actually drupes of the açaí palm, are frequently used in juice blends, smoothies or soft drinks or to flavour ice creams. In northern Brazil, açaí is traditionally served in gourds called "cuias" with tapioca and, depending on the local preference, mey be consumed in either salted or sweetened form (sugar, rapadura and honey are known to be used in the mix). Açaí has become popular in southern Brazil where it is consumed cold as açaí na tigela. As açaí deteriorates rapidly after harvest, its raw material is generally only available outside the immediate growing region as juice or fruit pulp that has been frozen, dried, or freeze-dried. However, several companies now manufacture juices, health drinks, yoghurts, and sorbets made from açaí berries, often in combination with other fruits.

açaí na tigela

/ah-SAH-ee nuh tee-jeh-luh/

"Açaí in the bowl." Granola, a crunchy combination of baked cereals, honey and nuts, mixed with açaí berries, guaraná syrup and sliced fruits, often bananas.


/uh-kara-JHEH, uh-kah-RAH/
[Portuguese] plural acarajé

Fritters, similar to falafel. They are made of grated black eyed beans fried in dendê (palm oil) and served with a spicy sauce of chillis, onions and dried shrimps. They are called accra in the Caribbean and are based on a dish of Nigerian origin.

à cebolada

/ah seh-boo-LAH-duh/

A dish cooked with lots of stewed onions, garlic and usually tomatoes.