

Terms in Italian 10171-10180 of 10470

trombetta da morto

/trohm-BEHT-tah deh-ee MOHR-tee/
[Italian] plural trombette dei morti

"Trumpet of death." Black chanterelle or horn of plenty. A wild mushroom which should be cooked.


[Italian] plural trombette

"Trumpets." A delicious type of baby marrow, long and curly, pale green on the outside and creamy coloured on the inside.

tronco di petto


Breast or brisket is a beef and veal cut which is a good cut for boiling and roasting.



A variety of very sweet red onion from Calabria.

troppo cotto

/TROHP-poh KOHT-toh/

Too cooked. Overcooked.




trota alle brace

/TROH-tah ahl-leh BRAH-cheh/

Trout grilled over coals

trota arcobalenos

/TROH-tah ahr-koh-nah-LEH-nohs/

Rainbow trout. Most usually farmed in Europe.

trota di torrente

/TROH-tah dee tohr-REHN-teh/

Trout caught in a river or torrent. Commonly this is the brown trout.

trota marina

/TROH-tah mah-REE-nah/

Salmon trout. Sea trout.