

Terms in French 1571-1580 of 10943


[French] plural barrots

A small cask or barrel for anchovies.



Barsac is in the Bordeaux region, a commune of Sauternes, whose high quality, sweet, fruity white wines, infected with the noble rot, may be sold as Barsac or Sauternes. The most renowned châteaux are Coutet and Climens.

bar tacheté

[French] plural bars tachetés

Spotted sea bass. A slightly smaller species of sea bass with many small spots.



Red-legged partridge. It is commonly roasted with cabbage or braised in chartreuse.


[French] plural bartavelles

Rock partridge. The rock partridge is found only in Europe in the Alps, Italy and through the Balkans into Greece, usually in mountain settings.



Low. Feminine is basse.



A low-altitude vineyard or grape growing area.



One of the divisions of the vineyard area of Armagnac producing some of the best quality Armagnac, with Ténarèze. The best quality comes from Bas-Armagnac and Ténarèze, although the biggest of the producing zones is Haut-Armagnac.

bas de carré


The top part of the shoulder of veal, equivalent to scrag end of lamb.

baselle blanche


Basella. One of the amaranths. This is a tropical climbing plant which can grow up to 2 meters (6 ft) in height. Basella alba, or Indian spinach, is the most common available in India. It has green leaves which are harvested as the plant grows and cooked in the same way as spinach or in oil with spices.