

Terms in Swedish 21-30 of 2205



Field peas in the pod which are green when young and fresh but which turn yellow when they are dried. They are used in Sweden's most famous soup, gula ärter med fläsk.



Arctic bramble or raspberry, a berry which grows on low plants in the hedgerows. It looks rather like a raspberry and has an intense flavour. Also the name of a liqueur made with them. If you see 'åkerbärs' written down it means that something is made with these.

äkta haverrot


Salsify. Generally, äkta means 'real' and may be used to indicate a wild plant rather than a cultivate variety. Wild salsify is rather a stringy affair but may be used for seasoning.



Akvavit means "water of life." Eau-de-vie. Broadly applied to all the principal indigenous spirits of the Scandinavian countries. This is a colourless, grain or potato based spirit. The best known brand in the world is Danish, but it is produced throughout Scandinavia. It is flavoured with cumin and aniseed, caraway seeds or fennel. It should be served really very cold and is often drunk with beer before or after a meal. It is also drunk during a meal, particularly an open sandwich meal which includes pickled herrings – traditionally a shot of aquavit with each different type – or when a particular mature cheese, gammel ole, is offered.






In aspic



Eel parties. These are events traditionally held in Skåne in southern Sweden, at which eel will be served in any of a number of different ways. Each dish is traditionally served with a glass of snaps; the more dishes the merrier the party. These days there are like to be fewer dishes, but just as much snaps.



Herrings in brine



Long-tailed duck or old squaw



Alfalfa. Lucerne. The source of fine bean sprouts for use in salads.