

Terms in Russian 71-80 of 397


[Russian] plural Bubliki

Forerunner of the bagel, but heftier, more dense, and with a larger hole, bubliki are yeast bread made with the addition of milk, butter, and egg whites.  They are formed into a ring, leaving a hole in the middle through which they are often strung for storage and collected for sale in groups of a dozen in a bakery or to drape over a samovár.  After forming into the distinctive shape, the rings of dough are boiled quickly and set aside to rise before baking.  Bubliki may be sweet or savory with the addition of either sugar, fillings, such as poppy seeds, or grated cheeses and onion juice.  Glazed with egg white, bubliks  generally have a denser crumb than bagels and tend to be somewhat sweeter as they are generally considered a pastry. 












"Bouillon." Consommé. A clear broth or stock.

bǔter brod

/BOO-tuh BROD/

An open sandwich

byef stroganov

/beef stroh-gah-noff/

"Beef Stroganoff." A beef dish consisting of strips of beef fillet cooked rapidly in butter with mushrooms, and then warmed through in red wine, cream and lemon.

белый гриб(byelii greeb)

/bee-ahm-lee grah-ahb/

Boletus, cep or porcini mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.

цезарев гриб(cezarev grib)


Caesar's mushroom. Excellent raw in salads or grilled, stuffed or used as a garnish.

цезарский гриб(cezarskij grib)


Caesar's mushroom. Excellent raw in salads or grilled, stuffed or used as a garnish.