

Terms in Portuguese 91-100 of 3077

aguardente de medronho

/ah-gwuh-DEHNG-tuh deu muh-droh-nyoo/

Arbutus berry spirits

aguardente de pêra

/ah-gwuh-DEHNG-tuh deu PEH-ruh/

An eau-de-vie in which a pear stands.

aguardente velha

/ah-gwuh-DEHNG-tuh VEHL-yuh/

Well aged brandy or eau-de-vie distilled and matured in oak barrels.



White rum. A clear spirit distilled from sugar cane.

água sem gás

/AH-gwuh sehng gash/

"Water without gas." Still.

água tónica

/AH-gwuh TOH-nee-kuh/

Tonic water



"Needle." Garfish. A striking, beaked, marine fish up to 60 cm (2 ft) long, with a backbone which turns bright green on cooking and a delicious flavour, found on most European coasts.


[Portuguese] plural agulhões

"Needle." Saury. Skipper. Needlefish. A striking, beaked, marine fish up to 45 cm (1ft 6) long, known as skippers, as they leap from the sea to avoid fishing nets.



Cassava. Manioc. Yuca. Fleshy, starchy tubers with tough brown skin and crisp white flesh, originally from Brazil but now widely cultivated. There are two types, sweet and bitter. Avoid the bitter one. Throughout the Amazon basin there are 26 varieties, each thriving under different conditions. The process of making it into flour or tapioca removes the toxins.



Celery or celeriac