

Terms in Norwegian 1241-1250 of 2001

mørk sirup


"Dark syrup." Molasses.

mørk sjokolade


Dark chocolate

mørkt øl

/MURKT url/

Dark beer



Roach. A small freshwater fish similar to carp. It has many bones, which discourage most people from eating them.


/moht-sah-REH-lah oost/

Mozzarella is a mild, white fresh cheese made by a process called pasta filata. This means that the curd is dipped in hot whey and then stretched and kneaded until it becomes the desired consistency. It is often made with cow's milk but the most sought-after form is made from buffalo milk. Many of the water buffalo in Italy were slaughtered by the retreating Germans and it took some time for more buffalo to be acquired to replace them. There is a reviving interest in mozzarella di bufala as the herds increase. (PDO). Italians say you should never eat mozzarella more than 24 days old. Italian PDO requirements include the use of animal rennet, whereas English mozzarella is made with vegetarian rennet.


[Norwegian] plural multer

Cloudberry. A relation of the raspberry but with an amber colour and which grows wild in northern regions of Europe and North America. Cloudberries are seldom cultivated. They have a smoky flavour and are excellent for making jams (US: jellies) and preserves. In Sweden they are used for making parfait.



Cloudberry. A relation of the raspberry but with an amber colour and which grows wild in northern regions of Europe and North America. Cloudberries are seldom cultivated. They have a smoky flavour and are excellent for making jams (US: jellies) and preserves. In Sweden they are used for making parfait.



Prized golden raspberries with a delicate taste of pine needles.



Cloudberry cream.Rather like an Eton mess, but made with cloudnerries mixed with cream and sugar.

multer med krem

/MYEUL-tehr med kraym/

Cloudberries with cream