Malaysian and Indonesian


Terms in Malaysian and Indonesian 41-50 of 268



Pickled. Salted. Pickled vegetables.

asinan bawang


Asinan bawang are pickled shallots

asinan sayur


Pickled vegetables

asinan wortel


Pickled carrots

asin tahu


A casserole of bean curd and salt fish.

assam jawa


Tamarind. A sour-sweet fruit, sometimes known as the Indian date, used as a souring agent. It comes in long, dry brown pods which look almost like dried broad bean pods. Inside is a long, segmented fruit, like a long brown caterpillar. Each segment contains a hard, shiny black seed. As the pods dry the fruit becomes sweeter. A visitor from Mauritius suggested shaking the tamarind and, if you could hear that the fruit had detached and was rattling a little inside the pod, you would find that the fruit was sweet. All you need to do is to remove the pod and then chew the fruit, discarding the seeds. It is also available mashed and formed into a pulpy block or as a juice. In this form it is used like lemon juice.

atap chee


Palm nut. The fruit of the Palmyra palm, which produces a gelatinous sap of the same name which is used in desserts.



Achar. A spiced pickle made with vegetables and coloured yellow with turmeric. May contain fish paste.

atjar tampoer

/AH-tyahr tahm-poor/

Mixed pickles



The seeds of the sugar palm; sweet, translucent, gelatinous balls used as a dessert ingredient.