

Terms in Italian 9211-9220 of 10470

risotto di pesse

/ree-SOHT-toh dee PEHS-seh/

Risotto made with fish stock, white wine and mussels, prawns (US: shrimp), clams and other good local shellfish and fish.

risotto con le secole

/ree-SOHT-toh dehl SEH-koh-leh/

A risotto from The Veneto made with scraps left on a beef or veal bone.

risotto fratacchione

/ree-SOHT-toh frah-tahk-KYOH-neh/

A traditional risotto made in Sienna during the Palios of 2nd July and 16th August and containing sausage, red onions and peppers (US: sweet red bellpeppers).

risotto in bianco con agliata

/ree-SOHT-toh een BYAHN-koh kon ahl ah-LYAH-tah/

Risotto tossed with agliata, a sauce of garlic, walnuts and bread, and grated Parmesan cheese.

risotto in capro roman

/ree-SOHT-toh een KAH-proh ROH-mahn/

Risotto with mutton from Venice.

risotto nero

/ree-SOHT-toh NEH-roh kohn leh SEHP-pyeh/

Risotto with cuttlefish ink and with chopped meats of the fish. This both colours and flavours the rice. Cuttlefish ink is preferable to squid ink.

risotto nero con le seppie

/ree-SOHT-toh NEH-roh kohn leh SEHP-pyeh/

Risotto with cuttlefish ink and with chopped meats of the fish. This both colours and flavours the rice. Cuttlefish ink is preferable to squid ink.

risotto padovano

/ree-SOHT-toh pah-doh-VAH-noh/

Risotto made with veal, chicken livers and peas.

risotto polesano

/ree-SOHT-toh poh-leh-SAH-noh/

Risotto made with eel, mullet and sea bass.

risotto primavera

/ree-SOHT-toh ah-lah pah-eh-SAH-nah/

A lovely fresh risotto made with spring vegetables - whatever is fresh.