

Terms in Italian 851-860 of 10470

anguilla argentina

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah ahl-lahr-jehn-TEE-nah/
[Italian] plural anguille argentine

Silver eel. A silvery eel.

anguilla arrosta

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah ahr-ROHS-tah/
[Italian] plural anguille arroste

Roasted eel

anguilla arrostita al lauro

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah ahr-rohs-TEE-tah ahl lah-OO-roh/

"Eel baked with bay leaves." Chunks of eel fried, then baked with lemon and bay leaves.

anguilla gialla

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah JYAHL-lah/
[Italian] plural anguille gialle

"Yellow eel." Eel.

anguilla in carpione

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah een kahr-PYOH-neh/

Chunks of eel grilled, marinated for a day in oil and vinegar, bay leaves and garlic and served as an hors d'Ĺ“uvres.

anguilla in gelatina

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah een jeh-lah-TEE-nah/

Eel in aspic. Jellied eels.

anguilla in tiella al pisello

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah een TYEHL-lah ahl pee-SEHL-loh/

Eels fried and served with tomato sauce and peas.

anguilla in umido (al vino)

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah in OO-mee-doh/
[Italian] plural anguille in umido (al vino)

Eels braised with onion, parsley and tomatoes, mushrooms and wine.

anguilla marinata

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah mah-ree-NAH-tah/

Marinated eel. Eel cut into chunks, fried and then covered with a marinade of oil, vinegar, garlic, onions, lemon and allowed to cool.

anguille carpionate

/ahn-goo-EEL-lah kahr-pyoh-NAH-teh/

Fried eels