

Terms in Italian 791-800 of 10470

anatra arrosto

/AH-nah-trah ah-REE-stah/

Roast duck. Usually stuffed.

anatra caramellata

/AH-nah-trah kah-rah-mehl-LAH-tah/

A duck coated in caramel.

anatra col pien

/AH-nah-trah kol pee-EHN/

A dish from the Veneto of braised or roasted duck with a stuffing of minced US: ground) or finely chopped meat, liver, veal, bacon, sausage, mushrooms and pistachio nuts.

anatra di Barberia

/AH-nah-trah dee bahr-BEH-ryah/

Barbary duck

anatra di Palmina

/AH-nah-trah dee pahl-MEE-nah/

A duck cooked in wine.

anatra farcita

/AH-nah-trah fah-CHEE-tah/

A duck which is stuffed and then, usually, roasted.

anatra farcita alla novarese

/AH-nah-trah fahr-CHEE-tah ahl-lah noh-vah-REH-seh/

A duck boned and stuffed with veal, sausage and rice, roasted and served with rice.

anatra in porchetta

/AH-nah-trah in pohr-KEHT-tah/

A duck stuffed with its liver and roasted with wild fennel, garlic, ham and bacon, basted with white wine. Common in Tuscany and Umbria.

anatra ripiena

/AH-nah-trah ree-pee-EH-nah/

A duck, usually wild, stuffed and then usually roasted.

anatra selvatica

/AH-nah-trah sehl-VAH-tee-kah/
[Italian] plural anatre selvatiche

Wild duck