Poppy seeds, from the seed of the opium poppy. They are improved by roasting and are used for thickening curries instead of cornflours or other starches.
Dacca cheese is made from whole milk by clotting it with rennet. The curd is broken into small pieces and put into wicker baskets and weights are placed on it to drain away the whey. The weights are removed after 10-14 days, when a thin dry coat is formed on the surface due to evaporation. The cheese is then smoked with wood or cow dung smoke. It may remain in good form for one or two months.
Star anise. Chinese anise. A seed from a tree of the magnolia family which has a flavour reminiscent of liquorice. Stronger than aniseed, it is used in the same way.
Yoghurt. Curds. Yoghurt is used in Indian kitchens to tenderise meat and as a sour creaming agent. It can be used in either sweet or savoury dishes.
A dish consisting of urad dhal formed into a ring and fried and served in a savoury yoghurt sauce flavoured with chillis.