Apple spread, treacly and thick.
Apple cake, pie or tart.
Gum arabic, used for emulsifying, stabilising and thickening. It is extracted from the acacia.
Peanut oil (US: groundnut oil). Oil extracted from peanuts. It has a high melting point and smoke point and is ideal for deep frying. It has 20% saturated, 30% polyunsaturated and 50% monounsaturated fat.
A rich pork mixture wrapped in a pastry crust, cooled and served in slices.
Ark shell. A family of clams.
Aroma or perfume. Fragrance.
To baste. To sprinkle. To lightly moisten a dish by spooning the melted fat or juices over it periodically during cooking.
Artichoke. Globe artichoke.