

Terms in Dutch 1051-1060 of 1422

rode aalbes

[Dutch] plural rode aalbessen


rode bes

[Dutch] plural rode bessen


rode biet

[Dutch] plural rode bieten

Beetroot (US: beets)

rode bietensoep


Beetroot soup

rode bosbes

[Dutch] plural rode bosbessen

Lingonberry or cowberry. Red whortleberry. It is similar to a cranberry.

rode kool

[Dutch] plural rode kolen

Red cabbage


[Dutch] plural rodekoolzwammetjes

Amethyst deceiver. It may be cooked with other mushrooms in a mixed mushroom stew or served as a garnish to other dishes.

rode mergkool

[Dutch] plural rode mergkolen

Marrowstem kale. A type of kale with a thick stem.

rode paprika

[Dutch] plural rode paprika's

Red pepper (US: sweet red bell pepper).

rode patrijs

[Dutch] plural rode patrijzen

Red-legged partridge. It is commonly roasted with cabbage or braised in chartreuse.