Baking powder. A raising agent used to make a baked mixture light. Baking powder consists of bicarbonate of soda (US: baking soda) and cream of tartar which, if mixed with flour or starch, assists pastry and cake doughs to rise, as when it meets moisture it produces carbon dioxide which aerates and lightens the dough.
Baked beans. The basic baked beans are white haricot beans (US: navy beans) in tomato sauce. However, baked beans can be made into a great dish by the addition of molasses and pork belly as in Boston baked beans.
Choux pastry. Light choux pastry made with butter and water mixed together and then with flour and eggs beaten in.
Balsam apple. A small, cylindrical, knobbly, dark green vegetable of the gourd family with red flesh and a very bitter flavour. It lightens and turns yellow as it ripens. The bitterness can be reduced by salting before cooking or using in salads.
Balsam apple. A small, cylindrical, knobbly, dark green vegetable of the gourd family with red flesh and a very bitter flavour. It lightens and turns yellow as it ripens. The bitterness can be reduced by salting before cooking or using in salads.