

Terms in Danish 1351-1360 of 1524

stegte sild i marinade


Soused herrings. Salted herrings fried, marinated in vinegar with bay leaves and allspice and decorated with onion rings and chives.



Boletus, cep or porcini mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.

stekt kylling


Roast chicken



Lumpfish. Lumpsucker. A marine fish with a green or grey humped back and knobbly skin. It grows to about 60 cm (2 ft) and is found in the North Atlantic and Baltic. The male is oily but can be poached and the female is caught for its roe.

stenbider han


Lumpfish (male). Lumpsucker. A marine fish with a green or grey humped back and knobbly skin. It grows to about 60 cm (2 ft) and is found in the North Atlantic and Baltic. The male is oily but can be poached and the female is caught for its roe.

stenbider hun


Lumpfish (female). Lumpsucker. A marine fish with a green or grey humped back and knobbly skin. It grows to about 60 cm (2 ft) and is found in the North Atlantic and Baltic. The male is oily but can be poached and the female is caught for its roe.



False morel mushrooms. They are deadly poisonous if not cooked, closely resembling real morel mushrooms, being wrinkled and brown in the same way. However, morel mushrooms are symmetrical while false morels are irregular in shape and look like a brown brain, while true morels are more like a sponge. True morels have hollow stems while those of false morels are solid. Be careful to check each of these features before attempting to eat one. They have a fine flavour and are generally parboiled. They are popular in Nordic countries and in Finland especially.



Boletus, cep or porcini mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.






Star anise. Chinese anise. A seed from a tree of the magnolia family which has a flavour reminiscent of liquorice. Stronger than aniseed, it is used in the same way.