

Terms in Catalan 411-420 of 1164



Starters. hors d'œuvres.

entremès(os) (variats)


Starters. hors d'œuvres. Side dishes.

eriçó (de mar)

/eh-REE-soo de mahr/
[Catalan] plural eriçós (de mar)

"Hedgehog of the sea." Sea urchin. The edible part is the orange coral or roe. They should really only be eaten live.



Blackberry (US: bramble berry).



escabeche cerviche, most often fish marinated in vinegar and spices. Vegetables are sometimes used instead of fish.

escalivada (a la catalana)

/eh-skah-lee-VAH-dah ah lah kah-tah-LOON-yah/

Most often this is a dish of roasted aubergines (US: eggplants) and peppers with onion, described to me by Geoff Martin as like a ratatouille without tomatoes. It is often served with roast lamb. The word escalivada refers to the method of cooking, in the ashes, so you may find it applied to other dishes.



Escalope. A thin slice of meat cut from the fillet or loin and beaten out until it is thin and tenderised before frying.



Spring onions (US: scallions, salad onions).



Dublin Bay prawns. Norway lobsters. These are like small, elongated lobsters, pale pink when cooked, with long, narrow claws and a delicious flavour.



Batavian or broad-leaved endive or escarole (US: chicory).