

Terms in Catalan 181-190 of 1164

butifarra dolça

/boh-tee-FAH-rrah DOHL-sah/
[Catalan] plural butifarras dolças

A Catalan sausage which is cured in sugar, flavoured with lemon and cinnamon. On the rare occasions when it is found it can be served either as an appetiser or as a dessert.

butifarrón dulce

/boo-tee-fah-ROHN dool-seh/
[Catalan] plural butifarróns dulce

A Catalan sausage which is cured in sugar, flavoured with lemon and cinnamon. On the rare occasions when it is found it can be served either as an appetiser or as a dessert.

butifarrón sabroso

[Catalan] plural butifarróns sabroso

A large meat patty made with minced (US: ground) beef and salt pork, chillis, onions, sweet peppers, coriander (US: cilantro) and oregano.

caballa con hojas de limonero


A dish from Catalonia of mackerel barbecued above lemon leaves.




cabeça d'all

/kah-BEH-sah DAH-yuh/
[Catalan] plural cabeças d'all

A head of garlic.


[Catalan] plural cabeçudas

Big-scale atherine. A type of atherine similar to the sand smelt. A marine fish, usually deep-fried, it is a small, silvery fish similar to the argentine. When tiny it is treated in the same way as whitebait. This fish grows up to 12 cm.


[Catalan] plural cabeçutes

Grey mullet.A silver, shoal-living fish pointed with dark grey which feeds on seaweed and plankton near the muddy bottom in estuaries and coastal waters. This can effect its flavour. However, a good grey mullet (US: striped mullet), caught in clean water, is round-bodied and has creamy white flesh and good flavour with good keeping capabilities. It must be thoroughly scaled before eating. Varieties are found all over the world. The roe is used for taramasalata, botargo, boutargue.



Goby, from tiny fish like whitebait to middle size, all usually fried.


[Catalan] plural cabras

Woolly milk cap mushroom. A poisonous mushroom.