

Terms in Catalan 161-170 of 1164






A type of cottage cheese widely available in Catalonia.

brotolá de fango

/broo-too-LAH deh FAN-goh/
[Catalan] plural brotolás de fango

Forkbeard. A greyish fish with reddish fins from Spanish waters. It is usually fried, but this must be done quickly as it does not keep well.

brótola roquera

[Catalan] plural brótolas roqueras

Forkbeard. A greyish fish with reddish fins from Spanish waters. It is usually fried, but this must be done quickly as it does not keep well.


[Catalan] plural brotxetas

Skewer. Brochette.


[Catalan] plural brous

Soup or broth

brou de pescadors

/brah-oo duh pes-kah-DORS/
[Catalan] plural brous de pescadors

Fish broth


[Catalan] plural broxetas

Brochette. Kebab.


[Catalan] plural bruixas

Four-spot megrim.



"Ox of the sea." Crab. In southern europe, crabs without further definition are like to be soup crabs: shore, furry or swimming crabs. The default for crab in northern Europe is a large clawed variety known as the "edible crab" measuring as much as 20 cm (8”) across. This is a beast with well flavoured, succulent brown and white meat. I prefer a good fresh crab to lobster, though a good fresh lobster will do! The brown meat is held inside the carapace or shell, while the white meat is found, with a little effort, in the claws. It is fished in the eastern side of the Atlantic rather than the Mediterranean but is available in markets not on the Atlantic. Because it’s flavour is so good it will usually be presented plainly dressed. More commonly buey means beef.