Cantonese and Pinyin


Terms in Cantonese and Pinyin 31-40 of 55

檸檬炸雞 / 柠檬炸鸡(ling mung gai)


Ling mung gai is lemon chicken. It is made by briefly marinading chicken thighs in soy sauce and then sautéeing the chicken in sesame oil. Add a little ginger and lemon peel and juice mixed with water and sugar, thicken wih cornflour and serve.

蛋黃蓮蓉包(lin yung baau)


Lotus bun made with sweet lotus bean paste.

綠茶(luk cha)


Green tea

米粉(mai funn)


Rice noodles. Rice vermicelli. These quick-cooking, light wheat-free noodles are hair-thin transparent noodles made from rice flour and a little potato starch.

苿莉茶(moot lei fa cha)


Jasmine tea

奶皇包(naai wong baau)


Custard bun

芽菜(nga choi)


Bean sprouts

牛肉(ngau yuk)



腐皮捲(pei guen)


Pei guen is a roll in which any of various ingredients are wrapped in the skin that forms on soy milk during the process of making tofu. The resulting roll may be steamed or deep fried.

山竹牛肉(san chuk ngau yuk)


Steamed beef meatball