A name in the Veneto for wild asparagus, with spindly stalks but with good flavour, so excellent for risotto or for adding to an omelette.
A name in the Veneto for the Caesar's mushroom. Excellent raw in salads or grilled, stuffed or used as a garnish.
A name in the Veneto for the Caesar's mushroom. Excellent raw in salads or grilled, stuffed or used as a garnish.
A name in the Veneto for the boletus, cep or porcino mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks. ).
A name in Venice for the youngest artichokes, barely formed. They appear, not on the branches of the plant, but at its apex and are small and very tender, requiring practically no stripping of leaves. The flavour is intense and concentrated and they are expensive. Generally sautéed in olive oil with garlic and parsley.