Black boletus mushroom. Excellent to eat from August to October whether raw in salads or cooked or preserved and also freezes well.
Black peppercorns, the fruit of a perennial vine with large leaves and white flowers. Green peppercorns are the unripe fruits picked early and pickled. Black peppercorns are picked just before they ripen and white peppercorns are the ripe, black peppercorns with the black skin flaked off. They are best kept whole and ground when required. Historically, pepper was one of the world's most important spices. Columbus sailed West, not East, in search of pepper in the East Indies. Instead he found the Americas and allspice.
Blackfin tuna. This is one of the tunas which does not appear on the Greenpeace red list of endangered species. It is the smallest of the tuna species, growing to about 100 cm in length (39"). It is fast-growing, short-lived species. Five years old would be considered a great age for one of these fish. They are quite aggressive.