Split black gram lentil. Hulled, it is a creamy white, which is why it is sometimes called white gram.
Split black gram lentil. Hulled, it is a creamy white, which is why it is sometimes called white gram.
Split black gram lentil. Hulled, it is a creamy white, which is why it is sometimes called white gram.
Split black gram lentil. Hulled, it is a creamy white, which is why it is sometimes called white gram.
Spiced semolina cooked with or without tiny cubed potatoes, peas, garnished with grated coconut and coriander (US: cilantro). Shrimps are sometimes included. It is served as a savoury breakfast dish.
Black gram bean. Black chickpea (US: garbanzo bean). Hulled, it is a creamy white. It has a slightly smoky flavour.