

Terms in German 711-720 of 2710

echte Pastinake



echte Reizker


Sanguin or bloody milk cap. A mushroom quite similar to the saffron milk cap but less common. It exudes a red milk sang poivré when cut.

echter Feldsalat


Lamb's lettuce (US: corn salad).

Echter Liebstöckel


Lovage. A large unwieldy herb. Pick the stems off the leaves, tie them and hang them to dry for about 3 days. When crisp, crumble the leaves and store. Good in hotpots. Lovage seeds are used mainly in Indian cooking, and are from a plant of the caraway family. The greenish-brown seeds are a little larger than celery seeds and have a strong aroma of rather coarse thyme. Oregano can be substituted.

echte Rotzunge


Lemon sole. A yellowish-brown, thin, translucent flatfish which is not a true sole, though it has the same blunted shape.

echter Pfifferlinge

[German] plural echter Pfifferlingen

Chanterelle mushroom, usually sautéed in butter with chopped onions.

Echter Reizker


Saffron milk cap. It exudes milk when cut and is usually served fried or cold with a vinaigrette.

Echter Ritterling


Man on horseback. A type of pleasant edible mushroom of yellowish colour with which some cases of poisoning have been recorded.

Echter Ritterpilz


Man on horseback. A type of pleasant edible mushroom of yellowish colour with which some cases of poisoning have been recorded.

Echter Waldchampignon


Blushing wood mushroom