Atherine, Mediterranean silverside or sandsmelt. A common Mediterranean marine fish, usually deep-fried, it is a small, silvery fish similar to the argentine. When tiny it is treated in the same way as whitebait.
A small, decorated metal skewer threaded with special garnishes, such as cockscombs or truffles, for elaborate dishes. Rarely used now. The food is threaded after it is cooked, so as not to damage the skewer.
Food which is left before being used or eaten. For instance, game which is hung before being cooked.
Food threaded on a skewer, either savoury or sweet, first coated in a sauce, rolled in breadcrumbs and (unlike brochette) deep-fried. The principal ingredient is usually offal (US: organ meat), but can be seafood or vegetables and they are often served with rice. Unlike attelets, the food is threaded before cooking. Attereaux is also the name of the skewers themselves.
Metal skewer on which different ingredients are threaded. This also refers to the food cooked on them.
Oysters and cooked mushrooms threaded onto a skewer, coated in sauce Villeroy made with a fish fumet, dipped in egg, flour and breadcrumbs and deep-fried.