Cassava. Manioc. Yuca. Fleshy, starchy tubers with tough brown skin and crisp white flesh, originally from Brazil but now widely cultivated. There are two types, sweet and bitter. Avoid the bitter one. Throughout the Amazon basin there are 26 varieties, each thriving under different conditions. The process of making it into flour or tapioca removes the toxins. You may see the singular partitive form "kassavaa".
Cassia bark. A rolled bark which is often mistaken for cinnamon, but is coarser in both texture and flavour. You may see the singular partitive form "kassiakanelia".
Sauce. A sauce is a liquid, such as a reduced stock, thickened with any of a number of additives, such as flour or blood, a roux or beurre manié, flavoured appropriately for the food with which it will be served. It can be either sweet or savoury.