The yellow cracked bolete is a type of edible mushroom found in autumn. (If gathering mushrooms you must be absolutely certain what you have before you eat them as many are very poisonous.)
Atlantic croaker. An Atlantic fish found from Texas to Cape Cod in Massachsuetts. A popular fish for frying.
A prolific, indeterminate variety of tomato with tiny, currant-sized, round yellow fruits. The plants grow up to 120 cm (4 ft) square and are covered in fruit which is resistant to splitting. This variety was found growing in a crack in a street in Indianapolis.
A variety of cherry tomato with tiny, round golden yellow fruits.
The yellowfin bream is a handsome bream caught off the eastern coast of Australia and around estuaries and inshore reefs, usually found at around 30 cm (12") in length. The flesh is well textured and has good flavour.
A golden yellow bean which holds its shape when cooked.
A name for the ocean jacket. This fish is usually marketed headless as the head is held to be very ugly. They are found in the southern coastal waters of Australia. The head is practically half the length of the fish with a very small mouth with beak-like teeth. The smooth skin which, like the monkfish (US: angler fish), does not have normal scales, is always removed for cooking. You can see that these are likely to be deep water fish. The firm flesh has a distinctive flavour and they are a useful addition to soups.