Pine bolete. A mild tasting, chestnut-capped cep mushroom found under pines.
Crème fraîche. Thick, slightly soured cream which has the great advantage of not separating when it is boiled. It is available in low fat forms which remain good consistency, both cooked and uncooked. It is made from cream curdled by the addition of bacteria and can be made at home by adding buttermilk or yoghurt to double cream (US: heavy cream), heating to 35ºC (90ºfahrenheit) and letting stand at room temperature until thickened.
Dill. European dill is anethum graveolens. Indian dill is anethum sowa. Dill is an herbaceous plant, about 1 meter (3 ft) in height, with wispy leaves, bearing clusters of small yellow flowers and oval, pod-like fruits. In Europe the leaves are often used to flavour fish dishes. The fruits are also left to ripen on the plant until they have dried. The fragrant seeds are then extracted, threshed and dried. It has an aroma slightly reminiscent of caraway, warm, aromatic and tingly.
The huchen or Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) is a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family and is severely threatened with extinction. There is now a considerable commercial effort to produce huchen fry to re-introduce the species into the wild. This requires the adults being caught just before spawning and kept in special tanks. Fry are released in appropriate places once they have reached 4 to 10 cm.