A very common fern which is one of the most common ferns of the temperate Northern Hemisphere, occurring throughout much of Europe, Asia, and North America. It favours damp shaded areas and is common in the understory of woodlands, but is also found in shady places on hedge-banks, rocks, and screes. Its root may be used to expel tapeworms.
Dhonkas are made from ground, pressed dhal to form squares which are then used as meat substitutes in a rich sauce.
Sponge gourd. Smooth gourd. When it is old it becomes coarse and fibrous and is actually the loofah you use in the bath. However, it is eaten throughout Asia. It resembles a cucumber when it is young and needs to be salted to reduce the bitterness before use.
Yoghurt. Curds. Yoghurt is used in Indian kitchens to tenderise meat and as a sour creaming agent. It can be used in either sweet or savoury dishes.