

Terms in Basque 381-390 of 413

udazkeneko onddozuri


Boletus, cep or porcini mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.

urbeltz (galparduna)


Shaggy ink cap. A type of fungus which is edible when young. The cap overhangs so that, rather than the more common round cap, the shaggy ink cap has an elongated ovoid shape. It has shaggy scales which, when young, are white but which become darker with age. As it ages it becomes quite unpleasant to eat and eventually dissolves into a puddle of black liquid, giving it its English name.



Urbia is one of the DO areas where Idiazabal is made. It is a round, hard cheese made with milk from Laxta and Carranzana sheep. It has a dry, ivory white paste with furrows at the centre of the cheese and a hard, pale yellow rind. It is made on farms in the Basque country. This cheese is at its best from winter to summer and contains 69% fat (dry) or 50% fat. The curds are uncooked and pressed. It is available made with vegetarian rennet in which form it is suitable for vegetarians. It may be found weighing 1-3 kg (2-7 lb). There is a smoked version which has a darker, almost orange rind. (DOC). It is available as a fresh cheese, aged over 30 days or for 90 days.


[Basque] plural urdinas

Greencracked brittlegill. A variety of wild mushroom which, as its name implies, is a sort of olive green with darker green markings and with creamy brittle gills. Most brittlegills resemble other ones that are inedible and some will cause gastric problems. You can normally detect what type it is by the flavour. A tiny tasting will immediately reveal whether or not it is edible, but it is worth spitting it out immediately if you detect a bitter taste.



Large white field mushroom, with a cap anything from 5 (2") to 15 cm (6") in diameter.



Gilt-headed bream. Regarded as the best of the sea bream.



Russule or charcoal burner, a mushroom that closely resembles other bitter, indedible ones.


[Basque] plural urre-txirlas

A name in the Basque Country for the golden carpet shell. A tiny, smooth-shelled clam..






Russule or charcoal burner, a mushroom that closely resembles other bitter, indedible ones.