

Terms in Amharic 1-10 of 65



Fenugreek. The seeds impart a distinctive, smoky flavour to dishes. Both the leaves and seeds are used, in the same way as they are for coriander (US: cilantro).



Unripe papaya, peppers or potatoes stuffed with minced (US: ground) beef mixed with ginger, onions, garlic and tomatoes.



Soft, unleavened bread similar to a pancake, usually made from tef, a grain with a mild, nutty flavour. When we ate this I described it as looking like old and rather tired tripe. Jenny McCann sent the following description from Ethiopia: "Injera is supposedly a kind of bread but it is in fact more like a vast very thin round flat sourdough crumpet, coloured the pale, tired grey of launderette-washed whites and with the texture of tripe. It comes in two forms: tablecloth (in its round, flat form, 2 ft across, served on a round metal tray with the meat in a bowl on it) or toilet roll - the same but rolled up and chopped into lengths. It serves as tablecloth, cutlery and napkin and in my opinion is completely inedible".












a hot and deeply spice and herb mix used in stews and soups in Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine. The spices are toasted to intensify their flavors and the mix can contain red peppers, coriander seeds, cloves, ajwain/bishop's weed, rue berries, nigella seeds, korarima/false cardamom, allspice, peppercorns, fenugreek seeds, cinnamon, cumin, mint, garlic, onion, ginger, and cardamom. The ingredients vary according to individual taste, but fenugreek and red peppers typify this seasoning.  The spice blend can be used or stored dry or mixed with water and packed into a sealed container topped with olive oil and will keep for 6 months.

Berebere chile

[Amharic] plural Berebere chiles

A bright red variety of chilli.



Crucian carp. A carp of silvery gold colour, similar to bream in appearance.



Sweetcorn (US: corn). Maize.