Search results 1-10 of 1270 for "raising_agent"

self raising flour


Self-raising flour is a commercially produced wheat flour containing a raising agent such as bicarbonate of soda (US: baking soda). Called aerated flour in the United States.

pastella con lievito


Batter with yeast or other raising agent added.



To leaven. To add a raising agent. To raise, of bread.


[Spanish] plural levaduras

Leavening. A raising agent used to make a baked mixture light.



"Raising powder." Raising agent used to make a baked mixture light. It may be baking powder consists of bicarbonate of soda (US: baking soda) and cream of tartar mixed with flour or starch.


[Dutch] plural rijsmiddelen

"Raising powder." Raising agent used to make a baked mixture light. It may be baking powder consists of bicarbonate of soda (US: baking soda) and cream of tartar mixed with flour or starch.

agenti lievitanti

/ah-JHEHN-tee lyeh-vee-TAHN-tee/

"Raising powder." Raising agent used to make a baked mixture light. It may be baking powder consists of bicarbonate of soda (US: baking soda) and cream of tartar mixed with flour or starch.

all purpose flour


Plain white flour bleached or unbleached, but with no raising agent. It is a blend of hard and soft wheat but does not include either wheat germ or bran.

plain flour


Plain white flour (US: all purpose flour) is essentially precisley that, bleached or unbleached, but with no raising agent. It is a blend of hard and soft wheat but does not include either wheat germ or bran.



"Raising powder." Raising agent used to make a baked mixture light. It may be baking powder consists of bicarbonate of soda (US: baking soda) and cream of tartar mixed with flour or starch.