

Brandy is a spirit distilled from wine, the best known being Cognac and Armagnac. It derives from brandwine, brandewijn (Dutch), meaning ‘burnt’ or ‘distilled wine’. This also describes a number of liqueurs distilled from fruit juices, such as apple brandy or Calvados, apricot brandy and so on. Once brandy is in the bottle, nothing more happens to it. Any activity occurs in the barrel or cask. Cognac should specifically be from the Cognac region of France, but many languages use words which sound like Cognac phonetically for even their own domestic brandy. Other brandies include Kirsch, Grappa, and Eau de Vie, to name a few.  While all brandies are distilled from a mash of fruit, some use only the juice of the fruit, while others include the stones, seed, and skins in addition to the juice.  Peru's famous Pisco is an example of a brandy distilled from both the juice and must of the fruit, in this case, grapes

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