

A robust whisky named after Bourbon county in Kentucky. It is distilled from maize mash. Malted rye and barley are then added in varying quantities. It is aged for at least two years in charred white oak barrels. ‘Straight’ Bourbon has not been blended and should contain not more than 80% maize. If it does it must be labelled "corn whisky". ‘Blended straight’ is a mixture of several Bourbons, and ‘blended’ is a mixture of straight Bourbon and a neutral alcohol. Sour mash Bourbon contains some old mash in the mixture and is also the name given to "Bourbon" from outside Kentucky, which is not entitled to the name. If it is not sour mash it is sweet mash, made with fresh yeast. If it is the same thing but does not come from Kentucky, it must be called sour mash.
