
[English] plural blusher mushrooms

The one problem with the blusher is that, whilst edible itself, it closely resembles other mushrooms that are poisonous, including the death cap. It must be cooked as it contains a toxin which is destroyed by heat, like kidney beans. The most identifiable thing about it is that this reddish brown mushroom with pinkish grey scales and a white stem colours pink to red at sites of damage or bruising. The gills and flesh are white, also becoming red or pink on bruising. It is most commonly found in beech woods in summer to late autumn (US: fall). Also look closely at the ring on the stem. This should have lots of fine grooves on its upper side, unlike another poisonous mushroom which it closely resembles, the panther cap. (If gathering mushrooms you must be absolutely certain what you have before you eat them as many are very poisonous.)

Synonyms in other languages

Latin names