

Terms in Walloon 21-30 of 105

bolèt d'sapinete

[Walloon] plural bolèts d'sapinetes

Pine bolete. A mild tasting, chestnut-capped cep mushroom found under pines.

bolét mouchetè


Velvet bolete. An edible mushroom, smooth and dark yellow, found in late summer.

bolèt tièsse di nêgue

[Walloon] plural bolèt tièsses di nêgue

Black boletus mushroom. Excellent to eat from August to October whether raw in salads or cooked or preserved and also freezes well.

boleû aus colikes


Woolly milk cap mushroom. A poisonous mushroom.

boleû aus trancheyes


Woolly milk cap mushroom. A poisonous mushroom.

boloe å foirt laecea


Weeping milk cap. A type of mushroom.

boloe ås trantchêyes


Woolly milk cap mushroom. A poisonous mushroom.

bone morile


Morel mushroom

boton d'guète (tchampion)

[Walloon] plural botons d'guète (tchampions)

The fairy ring mushroom with white flesh and a pleasing taste. These dry well and have good flavour but must be cooked first.

brun bolet


Bay bolete mushroom