

Terms in Walloon 11-20 of 105

båbe di bok


Scaly tooth mushroom or tiled hydnum, an edible fungus with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

baube di boc


Scaly tooth mushroom or tiled hydnum, an edible fungus with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

baube do bon Diu


Morel mushroom

beguene al vwelete


Slippery Jack mushroom, also known as the sticky bun. Listed as edible but some people do have allergic reactions to it.




bleu aubusson d'bwès


Amethyst deceiver. It may be cooked with other mushrooms in a mixed mushroom stew or served as a garnish to other dishes.



Boletus, cep or porcini mushroom, often used in dried form in stews and stocks.

bolèt baî


Bay bolete mushroom

bolèt d'èstè


Summer cep or bolete mushroom. A round, brown-capped mushroom with nutty flavour.

bolèt d'sapin

[Walloon] plural bolèts d'sapins

Pine bolete. A mild tasting, chestnut-capped cep mushroom found under pines.