

Terms in Spanish 331-340 of 4913







aletas de tiburón

/ah-LEH-tahs deh tee-boo-RON/

Shark's fin soup


[Spanish] plural alfajores

In Seville this is likely to be a sort of gingerbread but elswhere they are dividually wrapped circular galettes or pastries made with ground almonds, cornflour (US: corn starch) and honey, flavoured with aniseed and cinnamon, sandwiched together with cinnamon-flavoured custard. Traditionally available at Christmas.



Tub gurnard. Gurnards are strange-looking, bottom-feeding fish which use the three bottom rays of their pectoral fins to "feel" the sea bed. They have firm-textured white meat with not much flavour. They are rich in protein, iodine and phosphorus. The tub gurnard is a large brownish-orange variety with bright orange pectoral fins and is the one most readily available in the United Kingdom. They are all very bony fish. Small ones are excellent in soup. Red or grey mullet (US: striped mullet can generally be substituted for it, and are usually better.


[Spanish] plural algas

Algae. Seaweed.

alga de mar

/AHL-gah mahr/
[Spanish] plural algas de mar

Alga de mar is an edible seaweed harvested in the Pacific off Chile and exported to North America.

alga marina

/AHL-gah mah-REE-nah/
[Spanish] plural algas marinas


algáricus de los bosques


Blushing wood mushroom

alga roja

/AHL-gah ROH-hah/
[Spanish] plural algas rojas

Seaweed. Dulse.