

Terms in Portuguese 3051-3060 of 3077

vinho licoroso

/VEEN-yoh lee-koh-ROH-soo/

Wines which are naturally high in sugar and alcohol.

vinho moscatel

/VEEN-yoh moosh-kuh-TEHL/

Muscatel wine

vinho regional

/VEEN-yoh reh-jyoh-NAHL/

Regional wine

vinho regionãos

/VEEN-yoh reh-jyoh-NOWNG/

Wine of the region.

vinho rosada

/VEEN-yoh roh-SAH-doo/

Rosé wine

vinho rose

/VEEN-yoh ROH-seh/

Rosé wine

vinho seco

/VEEN-yoh SEH-koo/

Dry wine

vinho tinto

/VEEN-yoo TEEN-too/

Red wine

vinho verde

/VEEN-yoh(sh) VEHR-deh(sh)/
[Portuguese] plural vinhos verdes

"Green wine." Fresh, light, fruity dry wines (either red, white or rosé) from north western Portugal. Vinho verde is made from unripened grapes: faintly sparkling and acid in taste, it is very refreshing and has a low alcohol content. The whites are more popular than reds, but both should be drunk young and chilled.



Purple. Violet.