

Terms in Polish 241-250 of 657



The huchen or Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) is a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family and is severely threatened with extinction. There is now a considerable commercial effort to produce huchen fry to re-introduce the species into the wild. This requires the adults being caught just before spawning and kept in special tanks. Fry are released in appropriate places once they have reached 4 to 10 cm.

głownia kukurydzy


Corn smut. A corn fungus, a disease of maize, which is considered a delicacy in parts of Mexico.




gołąbek białozielonawy


Green russula mushroom. A type of edible mushroom that grows under birch trees.

gołąbek chmurny


Powdery brittlegill. A variety of wild mushroom, ranging in colour from blue to light green or grey. Most brittlegills resemble other ones that are inedible and some will cause gastric problems. You can normally detect what type it is by the flavour. A tiny tasting will immediately reveal whether or not it is edible, but it is worth spitting it out immediately if you detect a bitter taste.

gołąbek grynszpanowy


Green russula mushroom. A type of edible mushroom that grows under birch trees.

gołąbek modrożółty


Russule or charcoal burner, a mushroom that closely resembles other bitter, indedible ones.

gołąbek zielonawy


Greencracked brittlegill. A variety of wild mushroom which, as its name implies, is a sort of olive green with darker green markings and with creamy brittle gills. Most brittlegills resemble other ones that are inedible and some will cause gastric problems. You can normally detect what type it is by the flavour. A tiny tasting will immediately reveal whether or not it is edible, but it is worth spitting it out immediately if you detect a bitter taste.



Cabbage rolls, made with white leaves of cabbage stuffed with minced (US: ground) pork and rice, spiced and often mixed with tomatoes.



Russula. Around 750 worldwide species of mushrooms compose the genus Russula and by no means are all of them edible. They are typically common, fairly large, and brightly coloured - making them one of the most recognizable genera among mycologists and mushroom collectors. Their distinguishing characteristics include a white to dark yellow spore print, brittle free white gills, and an absence of partial veil or volva tissue on the stem. Members of the related Lactarius genus have similar characteristics but emit a milky latex when their gills are broken.