

Terms in Norwegian 351-360 of 2001



Fresh fish

blå ridderhatt


Wood blewit. A bright lilac blue mushroom with fresh clean flavour and excellent with potatoes.



A general term for blue cheeses.



Mussel with orange flesh held in blue-black shells.



Blue poppy seeds, the seed of the opium poppy.



Ink cap. A species of mushroom which includes the edible shaggy ink cap.



"Smoke fish." Cepahalod, such as octopus or squid that eject an ink-like substance as a defence mechanism. More likely to be octopus.


[Norwegian] plural blekksprutar

"Inkfish". Cephalopod

bleklodden steinsopp


Summer cep or bolete mushroom. A round, brown-capped mushroom with nutty flavour.

blek piggsopp


Hedgehog fungus. Cream-coloured mushrooms, excellent to eat, easily found in woods from late summer to late autumn (US: fall). They have a sort of downy white stem leading up to a cap which is centrally depressed and under which are masses of little spines, giving the mushroom its English name. It is quite a good mushroom to collect as it is easily distinguished from other mushrooms, is a relative of the chanterelle, and, like it, has good flavour and good retention of texture on long cooking.