Mandarin and Pinyin


Terms in Mandarin and Pinyin 21-30 of 141

粗根芹菜(cū gēn qín cài)



大白菜(dà bái cài)


"Large white cabbage." Chinese leaves.



"Winter mushroom." A high grade shiitake mushroom produced in cold conditions, which may be grilled or used in soups and stews. In Russia they are frequently pickled.



"Winter melon." Ash gourd, winter melon or wax gourd.

冬寒菜(dōng hán cài)


Mallow. Mild tasting young mallow leaves may be used in herbal infusions or make a very good substitute for lettuce, whereas older leaves are better cooked as a leafy green vegetable. The flowers can be used in salads.






Tofu. Soya bean curd which is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin B12. It is produced by boiling ground soya beans with water, straining them and then coagulating the mixture and pressing it. It is used as a meat substitute. The flavour is bland, so that it takes on the flavour of the food around it. The texture is woolly when in its softened form, but can be hardened by pressing and becomes more cheese-like in texture. It is a versatile foodstuff which can be fried, stewed or used in salads and sandwiches. If it is stored in the fridge it should be covered in water, which should be changed daily. However, it is quite perishable so don't keep it too long. It is suitable for vegans.

笃斯越橘(dǔ sī yuè jú)


Bog billbery. These berries look rather like blueberries but are not as nice.

2月(èr yuè)



广东菜(Guǎngdōng cài)


Guangdong cuisine