Mandarin - Pinyin


Terms in Mandarin - Pinyin 101-110 of 200

juan xin bai


Chinese leaves

juan xin ju ju


Chicory, a bitter salad leaf.

kaai laan


Chinese broccoli

kai choi


Chinese mustard cabbage

Keemun Mao Feng


A black tea variety

kou mo


St George's mushroom. A small white or cream mushroom that appears in parts of Europe around St George's Day on 23rd April.



Kuzu or kudzu is a tuber related to jícama, the yam bean, which, when cooked is added to soups and stews in China. It is white and sweet but must be cooked. In Japan it is more likely to be used like arrowroot, and is used to thickening agent for sauces. Like arrowroot, it gives the sauces a sort of translucence. Unlike the pure white chalkiness of arrowroot, kuzu is rather dull and lumpy. It may also be used in batters and it sets into a hard, crisp coating. Kuzu is also used for treating digestive disorders in China and Japan. Kuzu grows like a weed in parts of the United States and farmers invest millions of dollars trying to iradicate it.



Kuzu or kudzu is a tuber related to jícama, the yam bean, which, when cooked is added to soups and stews in China. It is white and sweet but must be cooked. In Japan it is more likely to be used like arrowroot, and is used to thickening agent for sauces. Like arrowroot, it gives the sauces a sort of translucence. Unlike the pure white chalkiness of arrowroot, kuzu is rather dull and lumpy. It may also be used in batters and it sets into a hard, crisp coating. Kuzu is also used for treating digestive disorders in China and Japan. Kuzu grows like a weed in parts of the United States and farmers invest millions of dollars trying to iradicate it.

lan cai


Cabbage. White cabbage.

Lapsang souchong


This is probably the most famous China tea and is an aromatic, smoked tea which is dried over pine wood fires. Good after meals.