

Terms in Kannada 51-60 of 158






Mace. Nutmeg is the kernel of a fruit similar to an apricot, and is wrapped in a scarlet leathery lace or aril of mace. Nutmeg is a hard kernel which needs to be grated.



Nutmeg and mace. Nutmeg is the kernel of a fruit similar to an apricot, and is wrapped in a scarlet leathery lace or aril of mace. Nutmeg is a hard kernel which needs to be grated.



Cumin seeds



Ivy gourd. A small crunchy gourd reminiscent of a gherkin, green ripening to red, popular in the cuisines of India, Thailand, Indonesia and other South East Asian countries. The shoots and leaves can also be eaten.

kadalai dhal


Chickpeas (US: garbanzo beans).

kam kasturi


Asian basil. Asian basil is slightly coarser than the sweet basil of Europe, and with a more robust aroma. It survives cooking in stews, adding a fresh menthol, camphor end of the spectrum.

kare jeerige


Nigella. It is often confused with black cumin because the name "kala jeera" actually translates as black cumin. These are the small, black, bitter seeds of a relative of "love-in-a-mist". Nigella is often incorrectly called wild onion seeds or black onion seed. It is used in northern India.

kasa kasa


Poppy seeds, from the seed of the opium poppy. They are improved by roasting and are used for thickening curries instead of cornflours or other starches.


